372 research outputs found

    Automated Audio Captioning with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    We present the first approach to automated audio captioning. We employ an encoder-decoder scheme with an alignment model in between. The input to the encoder is a sequence of log mel-band energies calculated from an audio file, while the output is a sequence of words, i.e. a caption. The encoder is a multi-layered, bi-directional gated recurrent unit (GRU) and the decoder a multi-layered GRU with a classification layer connected to the last GRU of the decoder. The classification layer and the alignment model are fully connected layers with shared weights between timesteps. The proposed method is evaluated using data drawn from a commercial sound effects library, ProSound Effects. The resulting captions were rated through metrics utilized in machine translation and image captioning fields. Results from metrics show that the proposed method can predict words appearing in the original caption, but not always correctly ordered.Comment: Presented at the 11th IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), 201

    Sound Event Detection Using Spatial Features and Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network

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    This paper proposes to use low-level spatial features extracted from multichannel audio for sound event detection. We extend the convolutional recurrent neural network to handle more than one type of these multichannel features by learning from each of them separately in the initial stages. We show that instead of concatenating the features of each channel into a single feature vector the network learns sound events in multichannel audio better when they are presented as separate layers of a volume. Using the proposed spatial features over monaural features on the same network gives an absolute F-score improvement of 6.1% on the publicly available TUT-SED 2016 dataset and 2.7% on the TUT-SED 2009 dataset that is fifteen times larger.Comment: Accepted for IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017

    A Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Approach with Skip-filtering Connections for Monaural Singing Voice Separation

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    The objective of deep learning methods based on encoder-decoder architectures for music source separation is to approximate either ideal time-frequency masks or spectral representations of the target music source(s). The spectral representations are then used to derive time-frequency masks. In this work we introduce a method to directly learn time-frequency masks from an observed mixture magnitude spectrum. We employ recurrent neural networks and train them using prior knowledge only for the magnitude spectrum of the target source. To assess the performance of the proposed method, we focus on the task of singing voice separation. The results from an objective evaluation show that our proposed method provides comparable results to deep learning based methods which operate over complicated signal representations. Compared to previous methods that approximate time-frequency masks, our method has increased performance of signal to distortion ratio by an average of 3.8 dB

    Zero-Shot Audio Classification via Semantic Embeddings

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    In this paper, we study zero-shot learning in audio classification via semantic embeddings extracted from textual labels and sentence descriptions of sound classes. Our goal is to obtain a classifier that is capable of recognizing audio instances of sound classes that have no available training samples, but only semantic side information. We employ a bilinear compatibility framework to learn an acoustic-semantic projection between intermediate-level representations of audio instances and sound classes, i.e., acoustic embeddings and semantic embeddings. We use VGGish to extract deep acoustic embeddings from audio clips, and pre-trained language models (Word2Vec, GloVe, BERT) to generate either label embeddings from textual labels or sentence embeddings from sentence descriptions of sound classes. Audio classification is performed by a linear compatibility function that measures how compatible an acoustic embedding and a semantic embedding are. We evaluate the proposed method on a small balanced dataset ESC-50 and a large-scale unbalanced audio subset of AudioSet. The experimental results show that classification performance is significantly improved by involving sound classes that are semantically close to the test classes in training. Meanwhile, we demonstrate that both label embeddings and sentence embeddings are useful for zero-shot learning. Classification performance is improved by concatenating label/sentence embeddings generated with different language models. With their hybrid concatenations, the results are improved further.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processin